On November 25th 2014 the first P-FUTURES Phase 1 workshop was held in Hanoi at the National University of Civil Engineering brining together 23 participants – 13 local stakeholders, 5 local researcher partners, and 5 international research partners (see PARTNERS).
Workshop objectives were to:
- Explore risks and vulnerabilities for Hanoi to the global phosphorus challenge (such as fertilizer price spikes, algal blooms, growing food demand, inefficient sanitation infrastructure, etc.)
- Explore opportunities for Hanoi to effectively adapt to such challenges, taking into account Hanoi’s future visions and existing plans.
- Contribute to shaping the future research agenda for P-FUTURES in all four cities to develop tools to transform the way cities manage phosphorus
The inaugural P-FUTURES workshop in Hanoi was conducted simultaneously in English and Vietnamese through translators. Unlike the other workshops, this was held as a plenary session, to ensure adequate translation and communication.
Exploring the current situation: Following introductory presentations on the emerging global phosphorus scarcity and pollution challenge, several local participants highlighted their current sector priorities, pressures and drivers, to create a shared knowledge base. As a single group, participants mapped out how their sectors were related to phosphorus and explored a ‘what if’ scenario of the price of phosphorus spiking 500% again to identify how Hanoi specifically is vulnerable to the global phosphorus challenge.

Voting for priorities in the Hanoi P-FUTURES stakeholder workshop
Developing future transformative goals: After a diverse range of sustainable phosphorus case examples from around the world, participants were asked “If there one thing you could change about Hanoi (given what you heard today) what would you change?”. A facilitated discussed probed what existing resources were available, what would be required and who would need to be involved to achieve these goals.
Identifying priority actions: Participants were asked to identify what actions were required to achieve their identified goals. The group voted and formulated these as 5 priority projects, identifying which stakeholders needed to be involved.
Outcomes & key highlights
Current situation: local stakeholder priorities:
- Avoid depending on other countries for food and phosphorus
- Managing water pollution (98% of Hanoi’s lakes are eutrophied)
- Managing solid waste, sanitation livestock manure and resource recovery
Future transformative goals: participants developed a range of goals and identified current capacity to achieve these goals:
- Reuse all phosphorus from livestock manure – there is a huge amount of phosphorus available in manure, however fertilizers are too cheap and there are no incentives to use manure – adaptive technologies, farmer willingness and training would be required. Extension service providers and the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development were identified as key actors who would need to be involved.
- Effective government policy around livestock manure reuse – although there are existing national policies that relate to livestock, further policies, tools, and enforcement strategies are needed to take into consideration the spatial and temporal variability in manure availability across regions. In particular a need for a focus on household level management was highlighted
Priority actions: Initiatives identified to enable necessary shifts towards these goals include (listed in order of most popular):
- undertake a Greater Hanoi phosphorus budget update (foundational to support other measures), undertaken in collaboration with utilities, academics and government authorities
- assess the viability of phosphorus-recovery technologies via pilots, in collaboration with farmers
- identify appropriate and effective policies to support sustainable phosphorus futures in Hanoi, in collaboration with government authorities
- Analyse market demand for recovered phosphorus together with farmers, academics and wastewater and solid waste utilities; and
- Assess phosphorus use